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HiBLOC Module

HiBLOC Module is a patented composite module based on the DKBLOC module 26 and polycrystalline fibers. The hot surface is red and made of polycrystalline fibers. It fully utilizes the high-temperature resistance of polycrystalline fibers, improving the operating temperature and service life of the modules. The cold surface is white and made of the DKBLOC module 26. It hardens at high temperatures, ensuring structural robustness.
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The thickness of the polycrystalline layer on the hot surface can be adjusted to meet different furnace temperature requirements. It provides better solutions for heat resistance and energy-saving problems in high-temperature ceramic kilns above 1250℃.


Excellent thermal insulation performances
High rigidity and light weight

Good airflow scour resistance

Easy to install and firm structure

Excellent chemical stability
High fiber index
Good thermal shock resistance

No crystal powders and no slags


Typical Parameters


Description HIBLOC MODULE 28
I Type II Type III Type
Continuous Temperature Use Limit (℃) 1250-1300 1300-1350 1350-1400
Density (kg/m³) 192 192 192
Thermal Conductivity (W/m·K)
600℃ ≤0.14
800℃ ≤0.20
1000℃ ≤0.28

Standard Size (mm)

300L x 260W x 300T

Thickness of Polycrystalline Fibers 30 50 70
Thickness of DKBLOC Module26 270 250 230



The data shown are typical average results of tests under standard procedures and are subject to variation. Results should not be used for specification purposes or creating any contractual obligation. For more information on the safety application or materials, please refer to the work practices and material safety data sheet.


Tip: The following product details only show what we believe to be the main content. If the product details below do not include the product you are interested in, please contact us to confirm and resolve it.

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