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DK MAX Polycrystalline Fiber Bulk

DK MAX polycrystalline fiber bulk is manufactured from polycrystalline mullite fiber. The fibers have excellent thermal stability, making them suitable for use in high-temperature insulation applications. DK MAX polycrystalline fiber bulk serves as the foundation for alumina fiber products such as blankets, boards, and other vacuum-formed products.
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Excellent thermal shock resistance
Excellent chemical stability
High-temperature stability
Low thermal conductivity
Low shot content


Typical Applications

Raw material for finished alumina fiber products
Insulating fill for various industrial furnaces 
High-temperature seals,gaskets and coatings
Ladle cover infill
Aerospace industry


Typical Parameters


Description DK MAX BULK
Classification Temperature (℃ ) 1600
Continuous Temperature Use Limit (℃ ) 1500
Chemical Composition (%)
Al₂O₃ 71-73
SiO₂ 27-29
Leachable Chlorides Trace
Color White
Shot Content (%) ≤1
Fiber Diameter (μm) 3-6
Fiber Length (mm) ≥100



The data shown are typical average results of tests under standard procedures and are subject to variation. Results should not be used for specification purposes or creating any contractual obligation. For more information on the safety application or materials, please refer to the work practices and material safety data sheet.


Tip: The following product details only show what we believe to be the main content. If the product details below do not include the product you are interested in, please contact us to confirm and resolve it.

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